Micaela Latini, In der Bilder Flut. Ingeborg Bachmann und die zeitgenössische italienische Theater und Performance-Kunst, in Aa. Vv., Ingeborg Bachmann in Italien, ed. by Isolde Schiffermüller and Arturo Larcati, «Deutsche Kultur», n. 45, April 2014.


The aim of  the present paper is to investigate the interpretation of Ingeborg Bachmann's personality and works by two leading present-day Italian artists and performers: Fabrizio Crisafulli and Cesare Viel. Even if there are many differences between the the two interpretations, the themes of the memory and of the pain play in both a central role, as the two coordinates which define Bachmanns's complete works. Cesare Viel, however, chooses for his artistic and dramatic actions (with the partecipation of Baruchello and Balesterini) to represent Bachmann's idea of ‘forgetful memory’ through the concepts of time and of witness. Fabrizio Crisafulli instead focuses in his performances (with Daria Deflorian as co-author and actress) on the concept of ‘spaces of memory’ as a matrix for exploring  Bachmann's literary and poetic works.