by Fabrizio Crisafulli
The video-installation uses the castle walls as the physical and emotional source of the themes relating to the transformation of the Castle from yesterday's ruin to the Museum of today. By creating paintings out of light and motion, the video animates the walls. Light and electronic images emerge from the irregular surface of the stones. Figures take shape, as though they were contemporary rock paintings. The stones change color, the walls move. Stone and light become one.
The sound-installation, locateci in the tower on the right side of the courtyard, allows the visitor to select voices and sounds that describe the life of the Castle throughout its long history. In the chapels off the courtyard, the same type of installation has burial as its theme, with references to the underground cemetery visible through openings in the pavìng.
(Fabrizio Crisafulli, Pietre di luce e suono / Stones Made of Light and Sound, in AA. VV., La scoperta di un territorio / Discovering Stones and People, Museo della Pietra, Ausonia, Carsa Edizioni, Pescara (Italy), 2004, p. 15).